AwakenSoul Spam Policy

At AwakenSoul, we're dedicated to creating a supportive, respectful, and inspiring environment for all our members. These guidelines are here to ensure everyone has a positive and enriching experience.

Awaken Soul Spam Policy

1. Consent

We will not send you marketing messages unless you have explicitly opted in to receive them.

Users have the opportunity to opt out of receiving communication from us at any point. Opt-out instructions will be clearly provided in our emails and communications.

2. Content

All emails sent by us will clearly identify AwakenSoul as the sender.

The subject lines of our emails will always be relevant to the content of the email.

Each email will include our contact information, allowing recipients to get in touch with us easily.

3. Unsubscribe

We provide clear instructions on how to unsubscribe from our mailing list in every email.

We commit to processing unsubscribe requests promptly and without penalty to the user.

4. Monitoring and Enforcement

AwakenSoul monitors the emails sent by our system to ensure compliance with this Spam Policy.

We review and adapt our practices in response to new regulations and technologies to ensure ongoing compliance with anti-spam laws.

Users can report spam or misuse of our communication tools by contacting us directly. Contact details are provided on our website.

5. Compliance with CAN-SPAM Act

AwakenSoul complies with the requirements of the CAN-SPAM Act by not using false or misleading header information, not using deceptive subject lines, including a valid physical postal address in our emails, and clearly identifying the message as an advertisement if applicable.
We also comply with any other relevant laws and regulations applicable to our communications.

6. Changes to the Spam Policy

We reserve the right to modify this Spam Policy at any time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting the revised policy on our website. By continuing to use our website and accepting our services, you agree to be bound by the terms of the revised policy.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Spam Policy, or if you want to report a concern or violation, please contact us through the contact information provided on our website.

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